Original Item: One Only, high quality leather hatbox to accommodate a "Top Hat" of the Victorian era. Beautiful plush maroon velvet lining comes complete with intact maker's label that reads, "ANDRE, Hatter, 127 New Bond Street" (London). Constructed of heavy black leather with integral closing belt strap and buckle.
Exterior of this rare hatbox bears the original inscription "2/Major John M. Burke" and is inlaid on either end of the name with two "Silver" medallions/cartouches. The first of a leaping Buffalo and the second of an Indian head, face on.
As quick research on the Internet will confirm, "Major John M. Burke" was the legendary front man, manager/press agent for William Cody (Buffalo Bill) and the famous Wild West Show.
Generally considered the second in command, Major Burke accompanied Buffalo Bill and the Wild West Show from early in it's inception including multiple tours of England and Western Europe and was considered the catalyst for "The Cowboy and Indian Fever" that resulted all over the world ever since.
Possibly on a par with Barnum and Bailey "The Wild West Show" has become a cornerstone of American Western History. Who hasn't heard of Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley and Sitting Bull? Memorabilia from this great American Extravaganza is extremely scarce and much sought after. Major John M. Burke was a key figure in American history. His hatbox with silver inlays fits right in to that bygone era.
Regrettably no hat is included.